Thus, you are waiting the following in the successful case:
- loving husband, taking care of his family;
- own house with several bedrooms where you can cycle;
- own (not husband's) car, which you can drive without a threat that something will break
at any unsuitable moment or you will not notice the next open hatch on the road;
- hospitals with qualified staff, taking responsibility for their actions;
- shops, which are full of different delicious and useful food, that you don't have to
clean, wash or cut; you can only put it to the oven and in 15 minutes you can eat it;
and all these products you are able to buy;
- automatic washing machine, dishwashing machine, microwave, vacuum-cleaner and a
lot of other useful things, that save your time and efforts;
- an opportunity to roast shashlik in your own garden;
- an opportunity to spend time by the sea every weekends - only to take your car and drive;
- get up every morning to enjoy life, but not to struggle for existence.
It's not only high level of life - it's absolutely another life. |
Here is a piece of advice, that costs 10 000$. You must see "light at the end of tunnel".
Searching a fiance abroad is an expensive process, which takes a lot of time, energy and
efforts. It will be not easy to make yourself work without great desire to achieve your aim.
Yes, today it's very difficult to find a suitable partner for marriage abroad.
You must arrange priorities if you want not only to marry but find love and happiness |
What does it threaten with?
As every event, foreign marriage has its bad side
Do you exactly decide, that searching a foreign partner is that you really need?
Will you be able to leave your native places, relatives and friends and move to a new
country, speak a foreign language, accept foreign customs and culture? |
Imagine which feelings you have, moving to a new city.
Then multiply all these things on ten. Add problems with such simple things as for
example shopping. How do you fee?
Removal to the permanent place of living in a foreign country is a serious psychological trauma.
Firstly, you have great depression. And your close friend is far away.
Are you ready for it? |
If you have your favorite work and you cannot live without it, you will scarely
find the same work abroad. In any case, firstly you will not able work at all.
Most probably, you need special further training or passing tests to confirm your
diploma. It will be problematic to find a good job |
A destiny of a housewife looks attractive from Russia, but when you have to
spend day after day, month after month within four walls, it will be difficult.
And money and comfort will not help you. |
Will you manage with it?
Searching a partner will demand resources - money, time, efforts. Letters'
replies and even reading letters take a lot of hours. Maybe, you will have
to restrict entertainment and meeting with your friends or to forget about
your favorite soap opera. Searching can take from several months to several years.
Think about it before starting. Are you ready for such sacrifices? |
Imagine you have managed. Are you sure that it is you really want?
If your answer yes, you should do it. Think over before starting your search.
But if you took a decision - don't put away. Time is not waiting for you and
tomorrow situation in the country or in the world can change. Such things,
that look difficult, but possible, tomorrow can become absolutely unattainable.
We don't grow young again. Change your life now to have enough time for enjoying it.
And our Marriage agency will help you with great pleasure. |
Read also:
Advice 2: How to fill in application form and what to write in it?
Advice 3: How to increase the chances? |